Friday, October 10, 2008

First Unit Test!!!

Sorry to anyone who was anticipating a blog last night, I was having some internet problems. Furtunately, problem is now solved. in class we took the Unit 1 Test. It was a scantron consisting of 48 multiple choice questions. It proved to be a bit more difficult than most expected. However, don't stress over your scores because we still have close to 180 points to go in IC before the end of the quarter next friday. So once again...DO NOT STRESS over the score you received. Do your test corrections, learn from your mistakes and move on with your life.

A Few questions from the Test

1.) Temperature usually increases when water condenses. Which behavior of water is most directly responsible for this phenomenon?
a. the change in density when it condenses to form a liquid or solid
b. reactions with other atmospheric compounds
c. the release of heat by the formation of hydrogen bonds
d. the release of heat by the breaking of hydrogen bonds
e. the high surface tension of water

2.) At what temperature is water at its densest?
a. 0 degrees celsius
b. 4 degrees celsius
c. 32 degrees celsius
d. 100 degrees celsius
e. 212 degrees celsius

3.) One liter of a solution of pH has how many more hydrogen ions (H+) than 1 L of a solution of pH 6?
a. 4 times more
b. 400 times more
c. 4,000 times more
d. 10,000 times more
e. 100,000 times more

4.) Which of the following contain the 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules?
a. Cilia
b. centrioles
c. flagella
d. A and C only
e. A,B, and C

5.) Which of the following possesses a microtubular structure similar to a basal body?
a. centriole
b. lysosome
c. nucleolus
d. peroxisome
e. ribosome

6.) Phloem transport is described as being from source to sink. Which of the following would most accurately complete this statement about phloem transport as applied to most plants in the late spring? Phloem transports _________from the_______source to the______sink.
a. amino acids; root; mycorrhizae
b. sugars; leaf; apical meristem
c. nucleic acids; flower; root
d. proteins; root; leaf
e. sugars; stem; root

7.) Ions can travel directly from the cytoplasm of one animal cell to the cytoplasm of an adjacent cell through
a. plasmodesmata
b. intermediate filaments
c. tight junctions
d. desmosomes
e. gap junctions

That should be enough to jumpstart your test corrections. Don't forget to explain why the correct answer is the correct answer. Remember corrections are due preferably thursday the 16th (but, will be sccepted friday).

Remember to:
*Study for the Vocab. quiz on Monday!!!
*Finish your Labs

1 comment:

Meghan said...

This is a great blog! Thanks for putting some of the questions up!